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Das Buch der Zwergenwitze ~ The Book of Dwarf-Jokes

Актуален для игр: River of Time

Местонахождение: Надорет (Тихий Алрик)

Данный предмет становится доступен после установки немецкой или английской версии мода Тихий Алрик.

In Havena, a dead dwarf is pulled out of the river, bound, gagged, wrapped in a large iron chain and attached with his feet to a large, heavy stone. The guards start to investigate, but their corporal just unaffactedly says: «Stupid dwarves, always stealing more than they can carry.»

The elf asks the dwarf: «What are you doing down there on the ground?» - «Catching slugs,» says the dwarf. «So, is it fun?» asks the elf. Thus the dwarf: «I don’t know - each time I bend down, whooosh, they have run away.»

The elf tells the dwarf: «I need a new harp, but I don’t know where I can get the money for it.»
«Lucky me,» sighs the dwarf, «I was afraid, you wanted to tap me.»

The elf tells the dwarf: «I discovered that dwarves are using only one third of their brain.» - «Oh, really? So what are they doing with the other third?»

The elf arrives at a tree upon which a desperate dwarf is sitting. Obviously he can’t get down again.
«What are you doing up there?» asks the elf.
«Well, I had a problem and wanted to climb up to get a better look at things.»
«Now I got two problems!»

A strongly hydrophobic dwarf had to travel by ship. To calm himself down, he went to the captain.
«Tell me, captain, do these ships sink frequently?»
«Oh no, usually they stay down there once they have sunk.»

Question: How can you make a dwarf laugh on Rohalsday?
Answer: Tell him a joke on Praiosday!

Question: What is small, bearded, smells funny and is soaked with water to the knees?
Answer: A dwarf in a puddle.

Question: Why do dwarves always press their hands to their ears?
Answer: They cannot hear these stupid dwarf-jokes anymore.

Two dwarves meet. One dwarf asks the other: «What have you been doing? You seem to have a black eye!»
Thus the other dwarf: «I was running through the forest when a mushroom sprang up through the ground and I just couldn’t dodge it…»

Two dwarves go to a fancy dress party and are wracking their brains what costume to choose. Finally they make up their minds. One stands on the other’s shoulders and they throw over an ork-size rough-linen cloak. When someone at the party asks them, what they have dressed themselves up to, they answer: «Tschak Nories.»

The dwarf wonders: «I never understood why humans have such problems fighting tall enemies. To the dwarves it’s just like chopping down trees.»

Two dwarves meet:
«Why are you having this bruise on your forehead?»
«Oh, I tripped over a slug.»
«Didn’t you see it coming?»
«No - the bugger just took over from behind…»

Two dwarves enter a tavern. One of them tells the innkeeper: «Two shorties!»
Says the innkeeper: «I can see that, but what do you want to drink?»

An elf asks the dwarf: «Would you just climb up that tree and pick us some cherries?»
The puzzled dwarf answers: «Why? It’s springtime, the cherries aren’t even ripe yet.»
«Well, they will be by the time that you arrive up there.»

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